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Half-Year Psychotherapeutic Group for Krakow Expats (in English)

I have climbed the highest mountains, I have run through the fields, Only to be with you, Only to be with you ........ But I still haven't found What I'm looking for (lyrics U2)
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Half-Year Psychotherapeutic Group for Krakow Expats (in English)

Shall I start group psychotherapy ? Consider attending group psychotherapy? It is possible that your first reaction is fear of confrontation of your problems in front of larger audience. I am not sure whether it will make you feel better but let me just mention that all others will probably experience the same feeling. How to overcome it? Probably like others, that is, by coming to conclusion that your worst scenario would be the waste of 6 months only but the gains might influence your whole life. Half-year process-based group psychotherapy is an offer for men and women who overcome their fears, broaden their mental horizons, open themselves to psychotherapeutic adventure and growth.

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Half-Year Psychotherapeutic Group for Krakow Expats (in English)

Why group therapy and not individual one?

Group therapy is like exchanging already good car for Ferrari. Individual therapy is safe, tailored to the needs of the client and everything is good but something essential is missing and this something is called GROUP PROCESS. In other words, what is missing is a wide range of phenomena occurring among group members on a few levels: behavioral (negotiation of acceptable behavior), emotional (presence of emotional discomfort) and cognitive (development of new perception of world /social environment and its interpretation). These phenomena trigger intensive dynamic that removes participants of the group from the zone of comfort and thus, more quickly pushes them to reveal aspects which are crucial for improving their quality of life. Obviously, all this happens in atmosphere of acceptance (being the result of understanding the roots) and consequently, with respect for diversity of all group members who are where they are because of unique history that led them to the present moment. Important advantage of group therapy is its potential to influence people who choose to be less active / are afraid of taking up the space during the session. In other words, people can be active or passive and therapy works regardless which one you choose. Very active approach translates into situation in which group member is actively involved in everything that is happening in the process or even expresses his wish to go beyond the boundaries of process-based-group ( therapist tends to be more distant and gently supports the process by asking questions or conducting certain experiments that lead to personal insights) to work in strictly psychotherapeutic mode (therapist engages patient more intensively, interventions may tend to remove from the zone of comfort). Being passive means that you participate with lower intensity but still get soaked with the input of the process which is going to change you whether you like it or not, because while working on another person’s material you will most likely discover analogue situations in your own life. Another version of moderate participation is by sharing your thoughts about the work of another person with others. Additional advantage of group therapy is simply the presence of men and women and thus, you will have the chance to confront your way of reacting to the “world” of the opposite sex receiving support / point of view of both men and women.


— Psychotherapeutic process-based group in English—


You are who you are as a result of all circumstances connected with your growth starting at prenatal period until NOW. Also, applying systemic point of view, the person you are may be linked by invisible bonds / genetically to previous generations which might as well influence your life and your relationships. However, to simplify this picture and make it more tangible, we may say that you are the resultant of your temperament, character and value system. One cannot really / deeply change temperament which is your internal way of interacting with what comes from outside your organism. It is questionable how and to what extend you can change your value system within psychotherapeutic frame. However, the thing you can change is your character. Psychotherapeutic group provides opportunity for your development by increasing flexibility within your personality type – you will learn to change immature ways of reacting (immature defense mechanisms) for mature ways of reacting as well as by modification of your SELF, which has developed as a result of your interactions with most important people from your life (usually parents). Put simply, your health level will be measured by your ability to be in mature relationship with another people (e.g. group member)

Is the relationship so vital?

Psychological problems occur in relationships with people and, thus need to be repaired also with people. Psychotherapeutic group constitutes perfect breeding ground for manifestation of all difficulties from the past, however, this time, they may be experienced consciously with different group members and psychotherapist(s). The group becomes perfect environment within which participants under therapist’s supervision can express themselves without inhibitions and fears of hurting others, show their weaknesses, nasty behavior and beauty. A common denominator of this kind of work, is opportunity to gain experience in real interpersonal contact.

What will be the results of group psychotherapy? *

Group psychotherapy may lead to the beginning of new stage of life because of its potential to awaken inner locus of control and thus reinforce belief in one’s self-agency. People tend to develop awareness of SELF which often leads to deepening / purifying relationships including personal relationship with your own self. The above process will translate into improving such aspects of life as family, work, finances, friendship etc. The maturity of your SELF may make it easier for you to make choices that will affirm quality rather than quantity in your life.

*It is most likely that all benefits listed below will be achieved to a certain degree. It is hard to guarantee the level of progress, nevertheless, I am convinced that progress will occur.

YOU WILL BE MORE ASSERTIVE– you will feel more comfortable than uncomfortable when the result of your decision(s) makes other people disapprove of your actions or puts pressure on you. | YOU WILL BE MORE DISTINCTIVE when expressing YOUR TRUTH and thus take up space around you with no hesitation. Your authenticity will undoubtedly trigger respect of others towards you. | YOU WILL BE FREE OF ANXIETY in regular interpersonal contacts. | YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BE PLAYFULLY CHILDISH  (dimension of health of mature person) which means that you will overcome the habit of being a pompous buffoon or a diffident person. | YOU WILL DISCOVER, explore and accept what can be referred to as your resources and deficits. | AS A WOMAN / MAN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND slightly difficult to comprehend world of men / women and you will find out how to respond to it while respecting both yourself and the world of the opposite gender. | YOU WILL LEARN how to consciously and adequately make use of your energy, including your anger. | YOU WILL DISCOVER / IMPROVE the skill of receiving from other interlocutors information that comes to the surface not through the words they use but in the form of the feelings you experience, also using your body as a resonance box. Can you read your feelings and make conscious use of them? This crucial ability combined with proper use of intellect definitely deepens understanding of other people and thus enriches the quality of relationship as the exchange of messages gets closer to the truth. Isn’t it useful to understand others more than they understand themselves?

*THE SKILL OF FEELING / RESONATING as the tool of reading reality, is the natural domain of women. Nevertheless, men can practice application of this skill and become more proficient in its use.

Essential features of the psychotherapeutic process-based group

The group functions within methodological frame that can be characterized by the presence of the following features: GROUP PROCESS – this method is based on the idea that everything that happens in interactions between group member becomes the input for the process to take place. This phenomenon leads to personal insights of the group members because they become witnesses of how reactions of others influence their feelings, self-assessment and assessment of others. The sessions may be enriched by BODY WORK, RELAXATION TECHNIQUES and other elements aiming at deepening awareness of oneself and of the contact with surrounding environment of people. At the request of a group member, the psychotherapist may decide to go beyond the boundaries of the process based group and apply methods that change the dynamic into strictly PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC GROUP within which a person has the opportunity to work on their problem more intensively. This may take the form of one-to-one work with psychotherapist with group members in the background watching what is happening in silence. Interventions of the psychotherapist may be more direct, engaging the given person more intensively in the process of maturing,

Exemplary themes of focus:

WHAT DO MEN / WOMEN CRAVE FOR? – man / woman is also a society role which performance is tested in relationships by partners. You will find out what is important for them, how to meet their demands, when and how to refuse or cause necessary frustration and how to deal with disappointment. TAKING UP THE SPACE DISTINCTIVELY / EXTENDING YOUR BOUNDARIES / EXPRESSING YOUR TRUTH – How do you take up your space at home, work in the street? Are you distinctive when you want something or you do it as if you didn’t do it leaving behind the taste of nothingness? Awakening this aspect is possible only when you discover / extend your identity→ DISCOVERING / EXTENDING YOUR IDENTITY – group work will give you opportunity to safely discover and express your thoughts and feelings. Do you actually feel who you are? Is it possible that you play different roles in company of different people ? Is it possible that under stressful situation you step back and stop existing in your truth? When are you real? What will be the consequence if you start expressing your true SELF ? | PRESENCE vs ABSENCE – sometimes she says he is absent. Indeed it is often the case that gents are present in their intellect but their spirit is in underworlds! The worst scenario may be that 2 strangers live under the same roof. Is it possible to change it? | GOOD SEX – Sex is an important issue that may be dealt with also by extending understanding of intimacy. | MAN’S STRENGTH – What does it mean to be a strong man? Do you feel connection with you strength? Where does it come from? | TO BE A WOMAN – What does it mean to be an attractive woman? Do you feel connection with your femininity? | PARENTS – What is it that connects you with your father and mother? Are you connected through love (if so, what type of love), hatred, some sort of slavery, necessity to meet their need(s), mercy over their fate? I do not know where you are in relationship with them but it is highly important to make things right in this respect. | INTEGRATION OF YOUR SELF THROUGH PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC BODY WORK – part of psychotherapeutic work is integration of SELF which can be supported through body work. Bearing in mind the overall focus of the group, there is no option to perform this task with everybody diligently during the half-year period. It is possible, however, to feel the flavor of this type of work and enjoy little successes. MODIFYING YOUR PARTNER– I can understand that many people have a subconscious plan to change the overall performance of their partners. They seem to hold a belief that if his / her partner changes, all the puzzles will fit in well. So it it possible to change your partner? Isn’t the expectancy of change the denial of true love? What is it that you can and cannot change ? I hope you will find this and many other answers to your questions in the half-year psychotherapeutic group.


Ultimate aim of group therapy is ability to function in mature relationships which also manifests itself by giving up on playing psychological games. What ones became problematic / unsatisfactory in relationships with important people from your life (e.g. parents) has absolutely strong impact on relationships with others at present time and has to / may be repaired in relationships with other group members and the therapist. You may be surprised but the truth is that if you repair something in relationship with group members you will also repair it in all important relationships in your life outside psychotherapeutic room. It is worth mentioning that health is not the ideal state of perfection but rather a state of oscillation between extremes. As a result your health will be measured not by presence of state of perfection but rather the presence of flexibility of your mind

Organizational details:

  • Number of group participants: up to 14 people
  • Number of meetings: 21 (21 x 120 minutes)
  • The duration of single meeting: Apart from 3 Saturday sessions, every session lasts 120 minutes. | 3 meetings will take place on Saturdays. The Saturday session will include 3 sessions within one day (6 hours) with break in between for lunch. The dates of Saturday sessions: 29 Feb | 25 Apr | 30 May.
  • Frequency of meetings: Once per week (apart from 3 Saturday sessions)
  • The hour and day: Monday at 18.00 (apart from 3 Saturday sessions)
  • Duration of whole process: 24 February to 30th May 2020
  • Place of meetings: street name: Wroclawska | building 8 | apt. 2 |


--- Group Psychotherapy for Krakow Expats in English ---


Is the group for me ?

Since you are reading this text it is likely you consider signing up for group psychotherapy? The range of problems people experience is overwhelmingly extensive. Maybe you feel worthless, experience problems in your relationship, face difficulties at work place, feel lonely, your kids cause troubles, you drink alcohol excessively, do unnecessary shopping or perhaps your life is in relatively good shape and you do not experience any crisis but you miss deeper meaning of your life. Whatever it is that stirs up your emotions perhaps it is the right moment to make your decision about starting group psychotherapy. If you have no doubts let me congratulate you and invite you to take part in this therapeutic adventure. If you delay your decision, that probably means that something worries you. Perhaps one part of you sabotages the idea but the other part, hopefully rational, knows that it is you and you only who can make your life better. There is, however, another realistic question. Isn’t individual therapy a better option? The answer is that individual therapy is good in many respects, it allows for gradual exposure to this new world of psychotherapy, may seem to be safer as your exposure does not involve dealing with so many eyes looking at you and what is most important the therapist’s attention is entirely focused on you. On other hand, group psychotherapy allows for implementation of more powerful interpersonal and emotional experiences than in the course of individual therapy and thus group psychotherapy dynamic happens to be more intensive and faster. Individual therapy does not offer all the aspects that are present in the group which in turn has tremendous impact on personal growth. One might compare individual and group psychotherapy in terms of changing your good car for Ferrari. Due to more intensive exposure (necessity to take more risk in front of other people) group psychotherapy helps to deal with various issues at faster pace and thus helps you to overcome interpersonal difficulties, set free your abilities and awake your resources – both the forgotten ones and those of which existence you have not thought so far.

About the psychotherapeutic group briefly

What do the participants do?

  • They make decision to meet up and participate in interpersonal experiment within which everybody is guaranteed to safely experiment with the expression of their feelings – both the pleasant and unpleasant ones.
  • The quality of this social meeting creates personal experience and what follows tacit knowledge about onself and all others. This awareness develops on the basis of interactions between participants and thus one can see how reactions of others influence our frame of mind / mood and how our reactions influence their frame of mind / mood.
  • Interactions between the group members will result in personal insights as well as feedback both from the psychotherapist and all group members. Group members will then find out what they do and how they do it, what their subconscious goals are, what it is that they are avoiding and how they approach building up their relationships.
  • They take part in mini workshops/experiments deepening through experience awareness of oneself and the possible impact on others.
  • They receive and apply through psychotherapeutic experiments various tools (soft skills) that support the idea of building up quality relationships.

What will be the results of group psychotherapy? *

Group psychotherapy may lead to the beginning of new stage of life because of its potential to awaken inner locus of control and thus reinforce belief in one’s self-agency. People tend to develop awareness of SELF which often leads to deepening / purifying relationships including personal relationship with your own self. The above process may likely translate into improving such aspects of life as family, work, finances, friendship etc. The maturity of your SELF may make it easier for you to make choices that will affirm quality rather than quantity in your life.  

*It is most likely that all benefits listed below will be achieved to a certain degree. It is hard to guarantee the level of progress, nevertheless, I am convinced that progress will occur.

  YOU WILL BE MORE ASSERTIVE – you will feel more comfortable than uncomfortable when the result of your decision(s) makes other people disapprove of your actions or puts pressure on you. | YOU WILL BE MORE DISTINCTIVE when expressing YOUR TRUTH and thus take up space around you with no hesitation. Your authenticity will undoubtedly trigger respect of others towards you. | YOU WILL BE FREE of anxiety in regular interpersonal contacts. | YOU WILL BE ABLE to be playfully childish (dimension of health of mature person) which means that you will overcome the habit of being a pompous buffoon or a diffident / shy person. | YOU WILL DISCOVER, explore and accept what can be referred to as your resources and deficits. | AS A WOMAN / MAN you will understand slightly difficult to comprehend world of men / women and you will find out how to respond to it while respecting both yourself and the world of the opposite gender. | YOU WILL LEARN how to consciously and adequately make use of your energy, including your anger. | YOU WILL DISCOVER / IMPROVE the skill of receiving from other interlocutors information that comes to the surface not through the words they use but in the form of the feelings you experience, also using your body as a resonance box. Can you read your feelings and make conscious use of them? This crucial ability combined with proper use of intellect definitely deepens understanding of other people and thus enriches the quality of relationship as the exchange of messages gets closer to the truth. Isn’t it useful to understand others more than they understand themselves? *THE SKILL OF FEELING / RESONATING as the tool of reading reality, is the natural domain of women. Nevertheless, men can practice application of this skill and become more proficient in its use.  

Essential features of the psychotherapeutic process-based group

The group functions within methodological frame that can be characterized by the presence of the following features: GROUP PROCESS - this method is based on the idea that everything that happens in interactions between group members becomes the input for the interactions between participants This phenomenon leads to PERSONAL INSIGHTS of the group members because they become witnesses of how reactions of others influence their feelings, self-assessment and assessment of others. The sessions may be enriched by BODY WORK, RELAXATION TECHNIQUES and other elements aiming at deepening awareness of oneself and of the contact with surrounding environment of people. At the request of a group member, the psychotherapist may decide to go beyond the boundaries of the process-based group and apply methods that change the dynamic into strictly PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC GROUP within which a person has the opportunity to work on their problem more intensively. This may take the form of one-to-one work with psychotherapist with group members in the background watching what is happening in silence. Interventions of the psychotherapist may be more direct, engaging the given person more intensively in the process of change.


Ultimate aim of group therapy is ability to function in mature relationships which also manifests itself by giving up on playing psychological games. What ones became problematic / unsatisfactory in relationships with important people from your life (e.g. parents) has absolutely strong impact on relationships with others at present time and has to / may be repaired in relationships with other group members and the therapist. You may be surprised but the truth is that if you repair something in relationship with group members you will also repair it in all important relationships in your life outside psychotherapeutic room. It is worth mentioning that mental health should not ne associated with an ideal state of perfection but rather a state of oscillation between extremes. As a result your health will be measured not by presence of state of perfection but rather the presence of flexibility of your mind.

Qualification for the group

If you are about to sign up for the group it is likely that is has been recommended to you by me personally, another psychotherapist, someone you know or you have come across the offer in Internet. If it is because of my recommendation or another psychotherapist, this means that you are ready to participate in the group. To finalize the process simply complete the booking online by making the payment of the booking deposit or whole amount either online or call me to make an appointment. If we haven't had the chance to meet so far, the consultation is necessary. During the consultation, we will have the chance to get to know each other better and make sure that you group therapy is appropriate for you at this stage. Please get in touch to make an appointment.


Psychotherapeutic consultation is a standard session that makes it possible for the therapist to understand the nature of patient’s problems and needs. By asking your questions and answering my questions we will both come to conclusions what solution is best for you. If we both come to conclusion that psychotherapeutic group is a good challange for you, the qualification for the group will be completed and you can go ahead with the booking.

Another scenario

Bearing in mind best benefits for you and the group, it is possible that you will not qualify for the group. Depending on the scale of difficulty there is a chance you may be recommended to do individual therapy first so that you are better prepared for the group work.
When considering the details of the offer please make note that:
  • There are 21 meetings included within the time frame which translates into 42 hours of therapy. 
  • Each meeting consists of 2 prolonged sessions ( 2 x 60 minutes = 120 minutes). Note: In case of individual therapy the duration is 50 minutes.
  • There are 2 prices: standard and reduced price - details below


  • STANDARD PRICE: 3622 PLN. Payment may be made in 2 installments.  First, on the day of reservation / qualification for the group and the second one 7 days before the start of the group at the latest. This makes 88 PLN for 60 minute session and 172 PLN for one meeting (2 x 60 minutes)
  • REDUCED PRICE: 3150 PLN -  This reduced by 15% price applies if you make the payment of the total amount in advance, that is, during your online reservation or qualification session. This makes the price 75 PLN for 60 minute session and 150 PLN for one meeting (2 x 60 minutes)
Let me focus your attention on duration of single group and individual therapy unit. One session unit (half of the meeting) of the group lasts not 50 but 60 minutes which translates into more beneficial price calculation for client / patient. INVOICE: If you are interested in obtaining the invoice let us know about it before you make the payment.